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About Album

Working in conjunction with the Arshile Gorky Foundation and curators of the Gorky Retrospective at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Tate Gallery and the Los Angeles Getty Museum, Traditional Crossroads has produced a CD companion presenting music from Gorky s Armenian homeland. 

Song List

  • 1. Horovel - song for harvest and plowing
  • 2. Tamir Agha Bar - dance of the men of van
  • 3. Shatakhi Dzernapar - dance from the shatakh region
  • 4. Janoy - wedding song of van
  • 5. Jakhraki Vot - the spinning wheel
  • 6. Nani Bala - lullaby of van
  • 7. Naz Bar - dance of the maidens
  • 8. Mur Tan Idev - behind our house
  • 9. Shalakho - dance of transcaucasia
  • 10. Shoror - swaying
  • 11. Djan gyuloum - divination song from pagan times
  • 12. Mokats Mirza - the lord of moks
  • 13. Sonat-Taghashar - folk sonata
  • 14. Moam Bar - candle dance


"A stunning introduction to the Music of Arshile Gorky's world."
Art World

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