CALL IT / [em]
ACT (2004)
Jazz / Piano Jazz
About Album
Under 30:A young German piano trio which keeps away from the predictable route, always slightly off-centre and on a groove-oriented trip from the mainstream. Streetwise courtesy of the Big City. Taking on the positive influences of Der Rote Bereich and Rosa Rauschen. Borrowings from hip hop, but also unsmooth, freakish and free. Interaction is crucial, with the band members listening to each other, reacting instantaneously so that, in spite of all the freedom, they are all moving in the same direction. Always on the move, such that standing still would effectively be the same as going backwards. Nervous energy, hyperactive, hectic, three breathless whirling Dervishes in the overtaking lane, giving off polytonal clouds of sound and percussive noise attack. Light and shade. Occasionally going slower, but only when it’s dark. A murky morbidity, just like in a flickering black and white film. Run, Lola, run. Straight through the metropolis. Call it [ em ].
Song List
- 1. Wakey Wakey
- 2. The Mean Spider Of Tandorine
- 3. Thursday Is The Last Day
- 4. What Wright Left
- 5. Bells
- 6. Ictus
- 7. Es Sind Berge Nicht Länger Berge
- 8. Mehr Als Einmal
- 9. Tale
- 10. Fatigue
"Ce jeune jazz allemand décoiffe. Il est nerveux, tendu, vif, agile"