Golden Horn (2004)
World / Middle Eastern Traditions
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About Album
Performers İhsan Özgen, Linda Burman-Hall and Lux Musica are in the world of Cantemir which arises in the crossroads of Western and Eastern thought, in the collision of Europe with the Ottoman Empire, and at the junction of Byzantine culture with Islamic theology.
Song List
- 1. Syrba - Moldavian Dance
- 2. Syrba - Moldavian Dance
- 3. Beraber Taksim - Collective Improvisation
- 4. Zhok de Nante - Moldavian Dance
- 5. Ostropesul - Moldavian Dance
- 6. Syrba with Taksim - Moldavian Dance
- 7. Bestenigar Taksim - Improvisation
- 8. Pesrev in makam Bestenigar / usul berefsan
- 9. Tanbur Taksimi - Improvisation
- 10. Saz Semaisi in makam Neva / usul aksak semai
- 11. Saz Semaisi in makam Rast / usul aksak semai 'Teresüd' (10/8)
- 12. Syrbas - Moldavian Dances
- 13. Kemençe Taksimi - Improvisation
- 14. In Honor of Prince Kantemir (from Rhymes with Silver, 1996) Lou Harrison (Peermusic IIILtd., BMI)
- 15. Beraber Taksim - Collective Improvisation
- 16. 'In Honor of Kantemiroglu', 2000) - Yalçin Tura
- 17. A Turkish Air (Travels and Observations, 1738)
- 18. Marche a la Turque
- 19. Marche pour la cérémonie des Turcs
- 20. The Turks' dance
- 21. New metar
- 22. Rast Taksim - Collective Improvisation
- 23. Pesrev in makam Rast / usul berefsan
- 24. Zhok de Nante - Moldavian Dance
- 25. Pençgâh Taksim - Improvisation
- 26. Saz semaisi in makam Pençgâh / usul aksak semai
- 27. Hüseyni Taksim - Collective Improvisation
- 28. Pesrev in makam Hüseyni 'subh-i seher' / usul sakil
- 29. Buselik Taksim - Collective Improvisation
- 30. Pesrev in makam Buselik / usul devr-i-revan