
GLOBAL MAGIC / Various Artists

ACT (2001)


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About Album

"Global Magic":  the magic of co-existence. Born in Paris the son of Vietnamese parents, guitarist Nguyên Lê is the musi-cian that appears most often on this CD. He expresses best why all of these recordings work: "…let the inter-twinning musical relationships develop in a way in which each musician can delve into his own cultural background to bring out his best." In their collaboration with Lê, trumpeter Paulo Fresu and Vietnamese singer Huong Thanh, whose style is rooted in tradition, combine high-explosive jazz and fragile Far-Eastern music culture without diminishing their own stylistic musical worlds (track 2). Whenever and wherever Lê is involved, the other musicians are allowed to totally adhere to their musical identities. This is true whether it is with the Turkish reed-flute virtuoso Kudsi Erguner’s project "Islam Blues, which delves deeply into the Sufi tradition (take 9), or with the sensitive and steadfast master drummer Peter Erskine, and the elastic bassist Michel Benita, the other two members of the wonderfully sensitive trio E-L-B (Erskin-Lê-Benita) (track 11).

Song List

  • 1. Reminiscence Of A Soul - 05:45 (Svensson, Esbjörn / Berglund, Dan / Öström, Magnus) - e.s.t. - Esbjörn Svensson Trio
  • 2. Two Sisters - 03:45 (Lê, Nguyên) - Thanh, Huong / Fresu, Paolo / Lê, Nguyên
  • 3. Sakyi's Song - 02:57 (Thomas, Jens) - Thomas, Jens / Tricolor
  • 4. Un Amor Real - 03:24 (Nuñez, Gerardo) - Nuñez, Gerardo / Brecker, Michael / Garcia Fons, Renaud
  • 5. Tatá Engenho Novo - 03:50 (traditional) - Gil, Gilberto / Gurtu, Trilok / Ferragutti, Toninho / Wesseltoft, Bugge
  • 6. Around Dubrawuschka - 03:56 (Beirach, Richard) - Beirach, Richie / Huebner, Gregor / Mraz, George
  • 7. Alouhid - 05:10 (Ziad, Karim / Lê, Nguyên / Takfarinas) - Ziad, Karim / Rykiel, Jean-Philippe / Zulficarpasic, Bojan./ Marthe, Linley
  • 8. Diya - 04:54 (traditional) - Kouyaté, Soriba
  • 9. Twins - 03:43 (Erguner, Kudsi) - Erguner, Kudsi / Balcioglu, Yunus / Lê, Nguyên / Garcia Fons, Renaud
  • 10. Pregadoria - 03:42 (Ledda, Elena) - Fresu, Paolo / Ledda, Elena / Salis, Antonello / di Castri, Furio
  • 11. Autumn Rose - 05:02 (Erskine, Peter) - Erskine, Peter / Lê, Nguyên / Benita, Michel
  • 12. Hamlet # Belleforest - 06:20 (Wrede, Bert) - Wrede, Bert / Actronic
  • 13. Zambujeira do mar - 01:47 (Möbus, Frank) - Möbus, Frank / Der Rote Bereich
  • 14. Baby Let Me Kiss You - 04:41 (Floyd, King) - Landgren, Nils / Nils Landgren Funk Unit
  • 15. The Global Soul - 04:11 (Binney, David) - Binney, David
  • 16. I Think It's Gonna Rain Today - 04:15 (Newman, Randy / Newman, Randy) - Endresen, Sidsel / Wesseltoft, Bugge
  • 17. Frontside Backside - 04:37 (Wrede, Bert) - Wrede, Bert / Actronic
  • 18. Slowhymn - 04:02 (Hegdal, Eirik) - Hegdal, Eirik


"Global Magic" – magic that only works through individuality. With celebrated pianist Jens Thomas’ group Triocolor, the trips to West Africa didn’t result in a fake Afro-color-decorated pseudo-ethnic mix; instead, the trio works the trip’s impres-sions into their own idiom (track 3). Likewise, pianist Richie Beirach, violinist Gregor Huebner, and bassist George Mraz stay far-removed from all the tourist clichés when they base their improvisation on East European themes (track 6).

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