
KORALL / Geir Lysne

ACT (2002)


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About Album

"Ingen vinner frem til den evige ro" is at the center of "Korall", the new album of Geir Lysne’s Listening Ensemble, which was formed in 1999. Norwegian folk singer Sondre Bratland interprets the church hymn from the depths of her heart, humbly restrained, and with a quiet faith. Like a lost soul, an electric guitar wails in the background, while an acoustic bass spits out dark threats. But when the horns enter, strong, bright, and magnificent, one suddenly senses that heaven is very near. Without question a choral for the 21st century. And thus a possible manifestation of what 37 year old Norwegian composer Geir Lysne conceives as his aural vision of "Nordic sound" for a large ensemble.

Song List

  • 1. M.B.
  • 2. Djambo
  • 3. Theme for O.J.
  • 4. Ingen vinner frem til den evige ro
  • 5. P.T. 1 -
  • 6. Korall
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