
Antony And The Johnsons

Antony And The Johnsons

About Artist

U.K. born, California-raised Antony Hegarty felt himself to be the consummate outsider until he came face to face with the image of Boy George on the cover of the Culture Club's 1982 debut album, Kissing to Be Clever. He relocated to New York City in 1990, where he found a world more accepting of his avant-garde sensibilities and sexually ambiguous nature. He started Antony and the Johnsons with his collaborators in 2000 and released a self-titled debut the same year. After several EPs, he won the Mercuy Prize with his next album I am A Bird Now in 2005. He has collaborated with a lot of artists includind an apperance on Björk's Volta and in the Leonard Cohen documentary I'm Your Man.  



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